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  • Understanding the life cycle of chickens is important to keep them happy and healthy through all stages of a chicken's life.
    March 29, 2022

    What is the Life Cycle of a Chicken?

    Living creatures grow and change throughout their lives. While some animal life cycles are more dramatic than others (looking at you, frogs and butterflies!), chickens undergo some major changes over time. If you're a new chicken keeper, it's important to...

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  • There are many types of chicken feed to choose from. Here's how to choose the right one for your flock.
    October 6, 2020

    9 Types of Chicken Feed Explained

    Domesticated animals depend on their owners for many basic needs: shelter, warmth, protection from predators, water, and of course, food. In order to stay healthy and productive, chickens require a diet that properly balances several essential nutrients.

    This is partly because they have been selectively bred over the centuries for egg and meat production.1 This diet requires a fairly involved process of blending various grains and other ingredients. While you could literally make your own chicken feed from “scratch" (pun intended), this can be challenging. Many chicken owners prefer to use a commercially produced feed designed to provide a healthy and well-rounded diet for their flock. This is known as a “complete" feed, and there are several different variations available.

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  • Did your hen just lay an egg without a shell? Here's why that sometimes happens.
    September 22, 2020

    Why Did My Chicken Lay an Egg Without a Shell?

    If you've been keeping chickens for a while, then going out to the coop and retrieving eggs from the nest boxes is routine—until you pick up an egg that isn't hard. Looking closely, you realize this egg appears not to have a shell. Surprise! Your chicken really did lay an egg without a shell. You may worry that something is wrong with your hen, or that you've done something wrong in caring for her. Don't panic! It might not be a big problem; let's take a look at what is happening.
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