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  • Molting is often a reason chickens will lose their feathers.
    August 30, 2024

    Why are my chickens losing feathers?

    A handful of loose feathers on the floor of your coop isn't unusual, but if you're seeing lots of feathers around, it can be concerning. Is this normal? Why are my chickens losing feathers? In this new blog post, we'll explore reasons why chickens sometimes lose feathers and show you ways to help.
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  • Knowing how to clean your chicken waterer is essential to your chickens' health and happiness.
    March 27, 2024

    How to Keep a Chicken Waterer Clean

    Chickens are messy! Keeping their coop and water source clean is essential to your chickens' overall health and happiness. By following these simple suggestions, you can keep your chickens' waterer clean and free from menacing bacteria and unwanted algae.
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  • Creating a duck pond can be a big job, but the process is fairly straightforward. Here are the basics of duck pond DIY.
    March 11, 2024

    Duck Pond DIY

    There are few things in life a duck enjoys more than playing in water. Water for swimming is so much a part of being a duck that it's basically a necessity, and something that owners of domestic ducks need to supply. Here are the basics of duck pond DIY and what you can expect during the build.
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  • Not all chickens will lay eggs in the winter.
    January 17, 2024

    Best Cold-Hardy Chicken Breeds

    You like the idea of fresh eggs year round. But not all chicken breeds lay eggs in the winter — it's just too cold. But there are some chicken breeds that are better layers than others in wintry weather. Check out these breeds, as well as tips and tools to help make their winter more pleasant.
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  • Chickens have natural insulation, but they will need your help to stay warm at night.
    December 1, 2023

    How to Keep Chickens Warm at Night

    Winter's coming, and your chickens have a cozy coop outside. But is it enough to help chickens stay warm on wintry nights? Is there anything you can do (besides knitting socks) to help keep them warm? Our latest blog will help you know what you can do to keep your chickens warm at night.
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  • Goats can handle pretty cold temperatures, but they need a little help when it gets closer to freezing.
    October 27, 2023

    What temperature is too cold for goats?

    How cold is too cold for your goats? While goats are very hardy, they'll need a little extra help from you when the temperature starts to drop. This guide will help you keep your goats cozy and toasty in the winter.
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  • Starting an urban homestead is rewarding but can seem daunting if you're just beginning. Try these tips for success.
    March 15, 2023

    How to Start an Urban Homestead

    Do you dream of vegetable gardens even though you live in the city? Here's the good news: you can successfully homestead in urban areas and get many benefits. From chickens and compost to ducks and honey bees, our latest blog post explores 7 ways to start an urban homestead.
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