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Keep your dog safe when playing outside in cold weather with a few simple tips.

How to Keep Dogs Safe in Cold Weather

Some dogs love cold weather. Dogs of many breeds enjoy time in snow, and cooler temperatures provide a welcome reprieve from hot summer months. Your dog might even feel happier and ready to play when the temperatures turn colder. Even if your dog seems to thrive in cold weather, try these tips for keeping your dog safe and warm during short winter excursions outdoors.

Keep your dog safe when playing outside in cold weather with a few simple tips.

Keep Him Hydrated

When temperatures get low, your dog might be a little reluctant to drink the cold water from his dish. You can easily solve this problem by providing him with a safe, heated water bowl. A K&H Thermal-Bowl Heated Outdoor Water Bowl makes the water more appealing and keeps it from freezing using only a few energy-efficient kilowatts of power. Remember, hydration is important in the winter too!

Provide a Heated Bed

Your dog might prefer to lounge outdoors on the porch even when the weather is cool. You can make him extra comfortable with a heated pet bed. A K&H Lectro-Soft Outdoor Heated Pet Bed provides a soft foam base with a cozy, outdoor-safe heater that automatically warms up the bed when your dog uses it. For dogs that also prefer feeling super cozy indoors, the Thermo-Pet Lounge Sleeper Heated Cat & Dog Bed makes a great option.

K&H Lectro-Soft Outdoor Heated Pet Bed Gray

Provide a Fun Pet Tent

Autumn, and even early winter, can be spectacular times for camping with your dog, thanks to cooler temperatures for hiking and fewer crowds. A K&H Pet Cot House makes a fun and warm tent for your dog, and it’s also just as handy at home in the yard or in the living room.

K&H Pet Cot House

Retrofit His Existing Bunk for Heat

If your dog has been playing outdoors and is ready for a rest, you can make him toasty warm by providing a heated pet pad like a K&H Original Lectro-Kennel Outdoor Heated Pet Pad. If he already has a favorite indoor pet bed that isn't heated, you can upgrade it with a K&H Pet Bed Warmer. You'll find it in various sizes, so you can easily select one that fits.

Protect Him from Winter Hazards

Watch out for cold-weather toxins, including antifreeze from vehicles. Also, keep an eye out for salt or chemical ice melt on sidewalks, which can harm paws. Protect your pup with coats and booties.

If It’s Just Too Cold, Don’t Listen to Him!

Remember, you’re the human, and you need to make the final call regarding your dog’s safety. If temperatures are just too low or the weather too windy (or snowy or rainy), be sure to bring your dog inside — even if he seems to be enjoying the cool weather. It all depends on his age and body condition, but while many dogs may feel comfortable enough at 45°F, under 32°F may be just too cold. Time to call him inside to relax in the living room with you instead.

Some dogs love it when the temperatures drop, but you can take steps to make outdoor time even safer and warmer for your dog in cold weather. Before you know it, spring will be coming again. So stay warm and have fun!

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