What Is a Normal Heart Rate for Cats?
As a loving pet owner, you want your cat to be as healthy, safe, and secure as possible. So you might find yourself wondering what the normal heart rate is for cats. An abnormal heart rate can alert you to health issues, but it can also clue you in to a cat that is feeling more anxious or stressed than usual. Luckily, checking your cat's heart rate is easy for both experienced and new pet owners.
Normal Heart Rate for Cats
A cat's normal heart rate tends to range from 140 to 220 beats a minute.1 The more relaxed your cat is, the more likely he will be on the lower range of that scale. If he's stressed or recently active, then he'll be on the higher end of the scale or maybe even above that range.
How to Check Your Cat's Heart Rate
Checking your cat's heart rate is a simple process.2 Put your cat on her right side and put your hand on her chest behind the front left leg (you should feel her heart beating). Now, count how many beats you hear in 15 seconds. Multiply that number by four to get your cat's approximate heart rate. You can also count for a full minute if she's very calm.
Be gentle, so your kitty thinks you're just petting her. If she gets anxious, that could increase her heart rate. If you notice her normal heart rate is consistently too fast or if it seems irregular, schedule a visit with your vet.
How to Help Your Cat Stay Calm and Happy
If you want your cat to stay mentally and physically fit, there are some simple steps you can take. First, find a good veterinarian and bring your kitty in for regular checkups and vaccinations. This is the easiest step and by far the most important.
You also want to feed your kitty nutritious food and avoid overfeeding him. Be sure to ask your vet how much food is too much. AvoDerm Natural cat food offers a wide variety of nutritious formulas in both wet and dry styles.
Play and exercise are important for your cat's health too. Sometimes boredom increases stress in cats. If your kitten has a clean bill of health, try playing with him more and helping him get more exercise. You can take your cat outside on a harness for a walk, or just play in the house with a feather wand toy.
Comfort Zone Calming Diffusers mimic your cat's natural pheromones and may decrease stress by signaling to cats that everything is okay. Providing a safe and enclosed place for your kitty to sleep—like the K&H Thermo-Lookout Pod—can also lower stress levels. Kittens will especially take to the Mother's Heartbeat Heated Kitty Pet Bed. The bed includes a heated bed, a heart pillow, and a heartbeat device that mimics the vibration of a mother's heartbeat. This can produce a strong, calming effect on kittens.
Cats are known for having faster heart rates, and thankfully it's easy to check heart rates and even a cat's temperature. If you think your furry friend feels stressed, try offering extra snuggle and play times for some added comfort.
1. Schmidt, Rebecca. "What Is a Cat's Normal Heart Rate?" Chicago Tribune, 10 August 2013, https://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/libertyville/chi-ugc-article-what-is-a-cats-normal-heart-rate-2013-08-16-story.html.