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  • A self-warming cat bed provides comfort without electricity. It works by taking advantage of a cat’s natural heat-production.
    February 27, 2025

    Do self-warming cat beds work outside?

    When chilly weather hits, you might want to offer an outdoor cat a heated bed to help ward off the cold. But what about self-warming cat beds? How do these work? And do they work outside? How It Works: Recycling a...

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  • Outdoor cats tend to find secluded or high locations for sleeping at night.
    December 6, 2023

    Where Do Cats Sleep Outside at Night?

    Outdoor cats, strays and community cats all need to sleep somewhere. Have you ever wondered where these cats sleep outside at night? Discover their usual haunts and ways you can make them more comfortable in our blog.
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  • When cold weather strikes, stray cats benefit from food, fresh water and shelter. Here are ways you can help.
    December 5, 2023

    How do stray cats survive cold weather?

    Worrying about the stray cats in your community now that cold weather is here? In this blog post, you'll find ways you can help stray cats survive cold weather by providing food and fresh water, as well as shelter options like outdoor cat houses and heated houses for stray cats. Learn more here.
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  • Cats prefer the warmth of a sunny window, but do cats like snow?
    October 27, 2023

    Do cats like snow?

    Your cat loves the warmth of a sunny window on a warm day, but what about those cold winter months? Do cats — indoor or outdoor cats — like cold, snowy days? Learn the facts and how to keep your feline warm in wintry weather in this blog.
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  • A safe and cozy heated cat bed is ideal for your cat's naps on cold days.
    October 17, 2023

    Are Heated Cat Beds Safe?

    It's cold out, and you've got extra blankets ready. But what about your cat? A heated cat bed is the purrrfect addition to keep your cat warm on chilly nights. But how do you know the heated bed you choose is safe? Check out this guide for tips on choosing the right heated bed for your cat.
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